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Selectmen Minutes 10/08/2013
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Members Present:  Chairman Jeffrey Jordan, Richard DeBold, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard

Others present:  Donna Chagnon, John Freeman, Lucille Noel, Ann Davis, Patrick Clarke, Jon Martell, Jim Plunkett, Alan Quimby, Ed Mellette, Anthony Galdieri


Department Heads
Police Department:  Chief Clarke reported Hunter Safety Course went well. Bow Hunter Safety course is scheduled for this weekend. Chief Clarke also wanted to thank the fire department for the use of the building during these two events. Lastly all grants have been submitted and they are just waiting to receive the grant funds from the state

Health Officer:  Nothing to Report

Emergency Management:  Nothing to Report.

Building Inspector:  Mr. Freeman reported that 14 permits have been issued since the last meeting with the majority being plumbing and electrical. He has received 5 commercial permits which is more than last year. Last year the town had only 1 commercial permit. 50 Cross Road, DBU is doing an addition and 187 Dover Road, the Farmstand is also doing an addition.

Fire Department: Chief Quimby informed the board the Red Cross Blood Drive was a success. Also the Open House was well attended and thanked all of those who attended it. Also thanked the police department for use of the building that day. He received a letter from Loudon stated if the town was interested in purchasing the fire truck that we are currently using it would cost $38,000. On 10/19 they will begin hosting 3 leadership classes. These classes are the classes that were scheduled a year ago and are part of the National Fire Academy. Chief Quimby would also like to the town Hooksett for storing the fire truck for the winter. He also informed the board that there will be some larger maintenance expenses coming forward in the next few weeks. He also wanted to say Thank you to those volunteer fire fighters available during the day as they are receiving more calls and without the coverage that would be difficult. He also asked if Mrs. Pinard could follow up with the attorney regarding the letter regarding the broken frame on the fire truck.

Highway Department: Jim Plunkett informed the board he has started replacing the rubber rails on the Kelly Corner Bridge. The state has inspected the bridge and it passed but the feeling is it may have to be replaced with in the next 15 years. They are also sealing the top of the bridge. Cracking sealing is being completed throughout the town. Repaired the ditch line on Cross Road by removing some large rocks. Worked on Smith-Sandborn and removed some trees and stumps to widen the road way heading to Rasanen Drive from Route 4. Removed ramp at salt shed and are getting quotes on a portable ramp to be located inside the salt shed so that all loading will be done inside the shed. At the RAC meeting moving the entrance to the Highway Department was brought up and it is being looked into. There is the potential move the entrance and be able to redirect the water. Potholes will be repaired on Webster Mills Road, King Road, Horse Corner Road, and Kelley’s Corner Road by patching and shilling

Mr. Paveglio asked about the end of Bear Hill Road where the catch basin is and the buildup of materials in that area.

Mr. Plunkett informed the board that that is state property and they are not happy when you do anything on their property without permission.

Library:  Lucille Noel informed the board the antique appraisal night was well attended. There is a new craft club that will be meeting at the library. This is for anyone with crafts that would like to have company while doing them. On 10/17 there will be a Retirement & Trust Planning Workshop at 7pm; 10/20 is Library outside cleanup day and at 2pm there will be a formal dedication regarding the NH Historical listing; 10/26 Kids Fairy Building Houses at Carpenter Park.

Anthony Galdieri gave the board the items that had been submitted for the CIP to date. The consensus of the CIP committee was to move forward not taking the roadway projects into account as that was the direction the voters had gone last year. The voters did this by putting the money in the Highway Department budget. He would like to know if the selectmen are in favor of moving forward in that direction.

The consensus of the board was for the CIP Committee to continue to move forward in that direction.

Mr. Galdieri also stated he was hopeful to have the plan to the selectmen by early to mid-November.

Other Business:

Tax Anticipation Note
Mr. Paveglio asked if it was possible to contact the school and ask if we could reduce the payment for a short time. If they agree this would possibly assist in not having to request the Tax Anticipation Note. Mrs. Pinard will contact the school and inform the board next week.

Well Pump at Town Hall
Mrs. Pinard informed the board that the well pump at town hall is running on high amps and will stop working in the near future. She supplied the board with three quotes:

Aqua Specialties        $1,064.06
Epping Well & Pump      $1,650.00
Tasker Well Company     $1,877.35

Consensus of the board was for Mrs. Pinard to contact the companies and get the manufacturer of the pumps as well as the warranties if any. This information will be brought back to the board for a decision next Tuesday.

Budget Memo for 2014 Budget
Mrs. Pinard gave the board the memo to review as this contains the budget directive.

Mr. DeBold asked for clarification on a large purchase.

Mrs. Pinard explained that a large purchase would be something over $1,000 that would require bids in order to purchase.

Mr. Paveglio stated that he was in favor and that this in no way would impede the running of the departments.

Consensus of the board was to move forward with the distribution of the memo to the all of those required to receive it.

Grange Window Restoration Project – Phase II – Grant Agreement

Per the grant requirements the following motion was made:

Mr. Jordan made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio that the Board of Selectmen have resolved to enter into a contract with the State of New Hampshire, acting by and through the Department of Cultural Resources providing for the performance by this Municipality of certain services as documented within the foregoing grant application, and that Jeffrey Jordan, on behalf of this municipality, is authorized and directed to enter into the said grant agreement with the State of New Hampshire, and that they are to take any and all such actions that may be deemed necessary, desirable or appropriate in order to execute, seal, acknowledge and deliver any and all documents, agreements and other instrument on behalf of this Municipality in order to accomplish the same and…

We resolve that the signature of Jeffrey Jordan, when affixed to any instrument or document described in, or contemplated by, this resolution, shall be conclusive evidence of the authority of said parties to bind this Municipality.
Motion passes.

Sale of Town Property
Mrs. Pinard informed the board that the auction for both Map 2 Lot 33 and Map 4 Lot 48 will be occurring on 11/9 at 10am here at Town Hall. James St. Jean Auctioneers will be holding the auction and making all of the necessary arrangements.

Boston Post Cane
The board asked Mrs. Pinard to move forward with purchasing the cane and confirm the oldest resident. The town has been told it is believed that Olive Edmonds is the oldest resident. But we will verify.

Heritage Commission Purchase
Lucille Noel informed the board that the Heritage Commission purchased George Haines Carriage from an estate sale.  It is was made by the Sleigh Carriage Company and it is an Albany Cutter with the original tag on it.

A motion was made by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Paveglio to enter a Non-Public session (RSA 91-A, II (e)) – Consideration or negotiation of pending claims or litigation which has been threatened in writing or filed against the public body or any subdivision thereof, or against any member thereof because of his or her membership in such public body, until the claim or litigation has been fully adjudicated or otherwise settled. Any application filed for tax abatement, pursuant to law, with anybody or board shall not constitute a threatened or filed litigation against ant public body for purposes of this subparagraph. Jordan, Aye; DeBold, Aye; Paveglio Aye. Motion passes.

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to exit the non-public session. Jordan, Aye; DeBold, Aye.  Motion passes.

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to seal the minutes of this session indefinitely.  Motion passes.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 8:45pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Approved on 10/15/13

Jodi Pinard, Town Administrator

Jeffrey Jordan  Richard DeBold  D. Michael Paveglio